
Edgar Allan Poe
This is the place where Edgar Allan Poe rests.
We have alreadyy given facts about his biography, but our intention now is to compile files which show how life has influenced HIS LIFE.
His parents, who left him at the age of two, worked as actors in theaters. His alcoholic father, abandoned him and his mother died of consumption. These facts may have influenced his health and his low tolerance towards alcohol. It is also important to highlight that since he was a child he lived from the charity of his relatives.
The social factors that the United States was undergoing have also contributed to his perception of life. Slavery and the confrontations between the North and the South, among others, formed his way of viewing reality.
The boy was raised by a rich and mean man who worked with tobacco in Virginia. He studied in England and North America, but he never had a good relationship with his uncle.
During his adolescence, he started to write poems, which made that many women fell in love with him. During College time he was a rebell and obstinate boy. It was due to the little economical support received. It is during these times that he starts to drink alcohol, but just a few cups and he was already drunk. He was finally expelled from College due to gambling.
Misery accompanied him and he had to unroll the army, which was done for a short period of time.
He gained a lot of enemies due to his severe criticism toward other writers, which were written in the numerous newspapers where he worked.
His mental strenght became almost inexisting after the death of his young wife. Virginia also died of consumption, and he felt miserable.
It is impotant to highlight the fact that he lived all his life in misery, with just short periods of calm. He could only achieve success with his work, but not money.
Etiquetas: Influences